Investment Process
7-Step Investment Planning Process
1. Clarify and establish your specific near-term and long-term wealth building goals.
2. Determine how much money you will need to fund your goals. These may include: affording the type of retirement you desire, buying a house, funding college expenses, and meeting estate planning goals.
3. Determine what risk/return characteristics and asset allocations are appropriate for your investment portfolio, based on your planning goals and your risk tolerance.
4. Analyze your current investment portfolio — both your taxable and tax deferred holdings — to determine what risk/return characteristics and asset allocations you have.
5. Determine the most tax-efficient way to optimize your portfolio so it has the desired risk/return characteristics and asset allocations appropriate for achieving your financial goals.
6. Select which money managers, funds or securities to allocate within your taxable and the tax deferred portions of your portfolio.
7. Present our portfolio management recommendations and prepare an investment policy statement that spells out our agreed upon action plan for refining your investment portfolio’s holdings.